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Friday, December 16, 2005

The Apprentici

You heard it last night, Randal said, "This is not Apprentici, it's the Apprentice. Only one."

And I tell you there are plenty of folks hopping mad at Randal right now. I really think Trump was going for a more fantastic finale, he was trying to find a cool way to hire both of them. But somehow, in the live chaos, Trump lost control of his cohorts and they cut off the show. And did you notice that Rebecca still maintained her composure, and kept her respect for Randal, while he cut her down?

Randal, randal. I think ye have laid yourself some bad karma, man. I loved, *LOVED* you up until last night. Now you came across as a jerk. I was a million times more impressed by Rebecca during the final task, and even Trump himself said he was disappointed in your performance in the last task. You know Rebecca was just as good an overall candidate as you were. You two worked well, very well, as a team, and as executives on different projects, that would have been some impressive work to see.

If I had been Mr. Trump, I would have hired them both. I still hope he hires Rebecca, because at this point, she is GOLDEN. She is worth more to any organization right now than Randal is worth, and Trump should not let her get away! Today, her phone is ringing off the hook with 7 figure plus deals.

Urgh, can you tell I was disgusted by the ending?

Rebecca, you go, girl!


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