Of hail and movies that make you gag

So this President's Day weekend we visited my folks in the OC. (And anyone who doesn't live here should know how much we HATE being called the OC. Stupid TV. Living in the OC is nothing (NOTHING!) like how it is portrayed on television.)
We got some monumental rain for about 5 minutes on our drive over, and it continued with the on and off rain for most of the weekend. Sunday morning it actually hailed! I couldn't believe it. I had never seen it hail in Southern California, and I haven't seen hail since I lived in Chicago. I showed my daughter, she thought that was pretty weird.
I did somehow manage to convince my father to take me and my husband to see "Date Movie". I more enjoyed watching my husband laugh than watching the actual movie- there were several scenes that actually made me want to throw up. If that's what they were going for, they succeeded. There were some funny parts, but overall the audience was pretty quiet during most of the jokes. My daughter saw "Curious George" with Grandma, I think maybe I should've seen that, although she said the movie made her cry.
If you'd like a good laugh today, check out Zach Braff's blog- Zach Braff
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