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Thursday, May 18, 2006

I know I'm too old

Everyone has been blogging about American Idol, siding with McPhee or with Taylor Soul Patrol. With all of the flaring of emotions, I am not one to sit on the sidelines and not pipe up.

Especially since I used to teach statistics for freshmen at the state college.

And I used to use American Idol as my model for why volunteer phone-in polls do not work, scientifically. This was a perfect example for my class, textbook, as it were.

Why is it now, after AI being in it's 5th season, that people are finally starting to complain (loudly) about the phone-in system for voting??

There are people in the blogosphere who are saying there is no way the Kat-Taylor-Elliot vote could have been so close (in the 10th of a percent close).

I totally believe it.

So while you might be like me, and sit there and hit re-dial for hours on end, basically the fans are max-ing out the phone banks and it will come down to being this close next week also.

But for the record?

Taylor is my man, and he has been ever since I saw his audition. I have rooted for him every step of the way. They should pay me for my instinct :-)

I also got my tickets for the AI concert. I know, totally, like, how old am I? But hey, I'm taking my daughter. She's so excited, it's adorable. But we have to wait 3 months.

I promise I will post a full concert review. After attending my last concert several years ago (after discovering I was just way too old and way too poor to keep going to big name concerts), I just decided this was a perfect first-concert for a kid.

And all this from someone who never watched AI until this season.

(Oh, and hey Kat fans- my daughter is voting for Kat, and I am voting for Taylor)

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