Hey, it's Monday.
The folks were in town this weekend (Hi Folks!) where my daughter was appropriately spoiled. She was running around school today showing everyone her new wares, saying, "Look, I got spoiled!"
We did go to the San Diego State baseball game this saturday. That was really fun, a nice little stadium, a good game- and they won 13-3! While I've been going to grad school there for a while, I've never been to a sporting event there before. My undergraduate program back east I don't think even had a baseball team, and we were division IIIIIII in football (or something like that- very low on the totem pole! Notre Dame we are not). I do remember the give-aways they had back in the early 90's to try to encourage people to come to the football games. We were such a geeky school, they once gave out 3.5" computer disks (remember those?) and got a good crowd as a result.
My undergraduate school stands in such stark contrast with my graduate school. I look at all the young students at SDSU and they seem to have such different priorities than when I was in school. I can also say this because I got to know many of them when I was teaching there, and I can say without a doubt there is a huge cultural gap between the west coast and the east coast in terms of schools.
And yes, for those who wonder if it is true- we did wear kilts. I'll leave it up to you to decide what we wore underneath said kilts! There's nothing worse than a wet kiltie. Trust me.
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