Consumer Protection
My daughter's school recently completed a fundraiser. One of the items you could purchase was a Domino's pizza card.
This fundraiser card cost me $10 (apiece!) an offer of “Buy a large pizza at regular menu price and receive a medium one topping pizza free” up to 30 times before August 31, 2007. There is a copy of the card at the bottom of this post, along with the letter that sold the cards, nowhere on that letter did it state “Valid at participating Domino’s Pizza locations only” like it does on the actual card that got sent home with my child.
Long story short, I called our Domino's store and they said they would not accept the card. I went to the fundraiser's website (which I should have done the day the order form got sent home) and noticed not a SINGLE STORE in the entire san diego area is on the list of stores that accept the cards, except a store in Chula Vista which is a 30 minute freeway drive from my house.
Here is a list of stores that accept the cards:
I'm not sure who at our school PTA thought this fundraiser was a good idea, I only hope that the school got most of the $10 to keep for themselves (the fundraiser website says the school gets "Up to 90%").
Just be careful when you participate in these kinds of fundraisers! In this case I got screwed, and I only hope the school didn't.

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